Squander - определение. Что такое Squander
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Что (кто) такое Squander - определение


·noun The act of squandering; waste.
II. Squander ·vi To spend lavishly; to be wasteful.
III. Squander ·vi To wander at random; to Scatter.
IV. Squander ·vt To Scatter; to Disperse.
V. Squander ·vt To spend lavishly or profusely; to spend prodigally or wastefully; to use without economy or judgment; to Dissipate; as, to squander an Estate.
v. a.
Spend (profusely), lavish, expend, waste, lose, dissipate, throw away, muddle away, scatter, misuse.
v. (D; tr.) to squander on (to squander a fortune on bad investments)



Squander (written as "$QUANDER" on the box and in the rules) is an Avalon Hill board game published in 1965. It is based loosely on the game Monopoly, but in reverse. As in Monopoly, players roll dice and move around a board, encountering opportunities to make financial decisions. The object, however, is to lose money rather than gain it. Each player starts with a million "Squanderbucks" and the winner is the first player to become bankrupt.

Примеры произношения для Squander
1. and you squander them with impulse.
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
2. And you squander them with impulse.
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
3. And we squander them, pretty ruthlessly.
4. or that I not squander it.
BD Wong _ The Great Leap _ Talks at Google
5. And his supporters, not wanting to squander that crisis,
Daniel Dawes _ Centering Health Equity in Times of Crisis and Beyond _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Squander
1. That understanding will help me not squander moments on despair.
2. World leaders must not squander this unique opportunity."
3. People feel richer than they are and squander too much.
4. Secretary–General Kofi Annan urged the council‘s members not to squander the opportunity.
5. Christians may squander their scriptural or liturgical inheritance as they wish.